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8 inch Note Tablet

World’s LONGEST Standby time Colorful Note Tablet

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269 SGD

Why do you need Hannsnote?


The world's LONGEST

365 days standby time Colorful note tablet


Replace 1,000 pages of notes

30 color pencils and

a powerbank


The only tablet that helps you FOCUS

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Powered by Wacom EMR™ technology

Take Notes Smarter with smooth strokes.

Highly Recommend for businessmen and students!

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Top 10 Features

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Colorful note
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Wacom EMR technology
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Design awarded
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Low power consumption
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Two way quick charging
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Readable in dark
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Bluetooth sharing
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Note management app
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Large capacity data storage
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Functional case

Visualize your mind and creative

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Powerful digital tools like different types of paper templates, different types of pens, strokes, different colors, undo, erasers, make your notes even better.



Paper template




Undo & Redo


Make your notes in colorful

8 inch
HD 16.7M Color

Sketch up your ideas and make notes colorfully as you want.

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Wacom EMR™ technology

Just like a pencil eraser, directly erase the wrong words in the back button.

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Hannspen, with Wacom Electro-Magnetic Resonance technology, you will feel like taking notes with a natural pen-on-paper.

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No battery is needed

You don’t need to charge your HannsPen.

Built-in eraser

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No charging or setup required

Powered by the Electro-Magnetic field that is generated by the EMR sensor under the display.

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Tilt and pressure sensitive

Hannsnote enables a precise and speedy pen input with highly accurate pressure sensitivity.

Design awarded

iF Design award, which spans multiple disciplines, has more than 5,500 entries from around 59 nations every year.

Hannsnote awarded in discipline of Product 2021 

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Digital notebook with
Low Power Consumption Patents 

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Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt Referenznummer : ZUEV82050000986217102013 Bezeichnung der Erfindung: Elektonisches Notizbuch mit geringem stromverbrauch 

China National Intellectual Property Administration Certificate Number: 201922296194.5 

Invention Name: 低功耗電子記事本

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5000 mAH

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Long Lasting Battery Life

Everyday use 2 hours, can be constantly used for 7 days

365 days standby time

Two-way charging

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Wake up in 1 second after Hibernate mode

can be used as a power bank to charge additional devices.

Readable in dark

Hannsnote’s display is LED point light source, different from e-ink technology, won’t happen display sticking problem.

Taking your notes in any light condition.

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Share your notes easily and quickly with Bluetooth

Easily access your notes from Hannsnote or phone, where they’re always readily available to review.

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Synchronized Transfer :

enhances data safety

Search Saved Notes

Customizable note and folder:

for managing data conveniently



Manage & Organize
all your notes with HannsNote App

Synchronizes and transfers data through Bluetooth, while enabling you to record, manage and share your data. It let you save your precious data forever.




Cloud storage

Large capacity data storage

With LARGE capacity of data storage, you can store your notes up to 1000 pages.

With Cloud storage service, data is safely saved without being lost, stolen, or broken.

Funtional Case

Ocean Blue

Created with function and style in mind, the cover is made from fine materials and designed to fit your Hannsnote perfectly.

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Organized necessary things inside your note 

Space for cards

Space for pen and OTG 

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Stay focus on only you with your thinking

No notifications or distractions from email, social media to disturb you or interrupt your idea. Now, nothing can interfere with your idea, just work effectively with Hannsnote 

Our client say


The coolest notebook I've ever seen!

Hannsnote is a digital writing device. However, I feel like writing on paper with smooth strokes and a built-in eraser is convenient.

 Mars Liu,

Tech Company Sales Manager


Product Comparison

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Product comparison

Product Set

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  • Synchronize with mobile phone

  • Bilateral (two-way) Charging APP compatible for Android / iOS

  • Unlimited Editing

  • Changeable Draft Format 

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  • Capacitive Touch

  • Battery-Free

  • Integrated Eraser 

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App Features 

  • Synchronize with device

  • Note Manager

  • Privacy Manager

  • Note Browser

  • Note Sharing 

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  • Space for cards

  • Space for pen and OTG 

Product Set

Product Information

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8’’ IPS 



OS for App

Android / iOS









Product info

Hannspree Story

Style your smart life

The story of Hannspree started in 2002. Our headquarter is located in Netherlands Venlo with a design center in Taipei. Undertaking the world’s top LCD brand - Hannstar’s many years of craftsmanship and the belief in making the world more brilliant, we are committed to achieving your imagination of the future with our exquisite tech solutions.

Our vision is to bring style to your smart life through continuous innovation.

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Hannsnote Design Idea

Hannsnote 2021 is the first digital notebook from Hannspree. Our design idea is to help you write down innovative muse in 1 second, and share your ideas with friends easily with ultimate color just like a handy notebook but much smarter!


Hannsnote owns Germany's Low Power Consumption patent with energy-saving LCD. Just like a bear during winter sleep, Hannsnote sleeps 365 days standby time and wakes up in 1 sec only when you wish to use it. With 18W USB-C two-way charging, Hannsnote can be your strong backing for Internet exploration.


Hannsnote, a stylish and smart notebook, satisfies your needs for a thousand sheets of paper, a box of colored pencils, a power bank, and a cardholder. Hannsnote, your brilliant choice for creative and eco-friendly life!

About us

If have any question, feel free to contact us!

Monday to Friday  09:00-17:40

  • Hanns.w FB
  • Hanns.w IG


Contact us

Q & A

Q & A
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Your First Choice
for Smart Notebooks!

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